Feb 28, 2011

Good weather coming

Each year, it seems I get a few gallons of sap and then it's cold out for a while. Eager to make syrup, I'll usually boil it down in the kitchen. Last week, that effort amounted to a quarter-pint of light syrup - just enough for a trucker's breakfast at Dysart's.

If you do this inside, I suggest a good externally-vented hood. I actually hang aluminum foil down from the hood, over the pots. It looks strange, but keeps the sticky steam off the cupboards.

Following the miniature sap run, we got snow. About a foot. Then, about 4 inches more. Looks like things will warm up a little this week and some more this weekend. If you're sugaring, good luck.

Feb 17, 2011

Taps are in...

I put all the taps and buckets up yesterday and today - 20 in all. It was in the mid-40s today, but the trees weren't dripping too much. The sun was warm but I guess not quite enough. At least I won't miss any good early sap runs like many did last year. I also put some plastic taps in that need to have tubing run. Some buckets will serve as the basin for those taps (two-three taps to a bucket). Will finish that up tomorrow - it's kind of an experiment.

Feb 13, 2011

2011: Getting Ready...

It's time! Scoping out the trees yesterday, I found some more trees to tap. I did a lot of clearing last summer that opened things up. Planning to clean the buckets and spiles today.

The weather forecast is weird. Highs in the low 40s and lows of 34? Will have to watch this...maybe put some taps in tonight or tomorrow.