Apr 20, 2013

Not a bad year...

Three gallons this year. Could have had more, but the syrup was getting pretty dark and time was getting short. Hope you're all enjoying your syrup this year!

Apr 2, 2013

A gallon and a half this weekend...

Happy to have made a gallon and a half this weekend. That makes three gallons so far. Time to give some away!

Mar 29, 2013


I've made about two gallons so far and have more on boil. Hope everyone else's season is going well...the sap has been running pretty wild this week.

Mar 5, 2013

Sugaring Poem by Buzz Kuhns

If you have a sense of humor, you'll find this funny.

If you have ever tried to make maple syrup, you'll find it hilarious. But, then again, you might cry as you're reminded of all the time and money involved.

Things are rolling...

Each year, things go differently. This year, I put in my taps over a two week period (as opposed to one or two days). Sap slowly started to flow. Today felt like the real start of things because I put in 11 taps and boiled the first sap to make a quart and a pint. Not much, but it all adds up in the end! The weather is slowly changing in favor of sap flows and this week looks pretty good. Here we go.....

Feb 2, 2013

Fingers crossed...

Looking forward to another year making syrup. Coworkers are into it also. Anywhere from seven to over a hundred taps. That's a little too ambitious for me - I'll stick with the 20-30 I usually do and try to clear another tree or two to improve the sunlight on the maples. Last year (2012) was a tough year for sugaring. The year before that was one of the best anyone can remember.

I wonder what this year will bring?