Mar 23, 2008

Day 18: 3/23/08 Boiling day...

11AM - I'm boiling today. The grill setup still has a hard time maintaining a boil. It's about 25 degrees outside now, but was about 15 degrees when I started at 8:30am. Nine gallons of sap in all.

5PM - syrup is done. A long day, but it was extended by one low propane tank. I lost the boil for quite a while, but got it back after switching tanks. In all, just over one quart of syrup. This sap-to-syrup ratio is a lot better than last time. I know the sugar maples (vs. red) were producing more. The sugar content may have changed also. I filtered a lot more during the process and am curious to see how much sugar sand settles out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohmygosh, I can TASTE IT NOW! Yea